U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) Exploring Permanent MTB Tariff Relief
The USITC sent out a message in October, to interested parties, regarding a Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) survey scheduled to launch mid-January. SFIA has spoken to the USITC, and the survey will be delayed due to the government shutdown. The USITC stressed that they are not seeking information on past submissions. They are currently seeking information on the economic impact MTB relief has on your company, and giving you the opportunity to request permanent relief on any products not produced in the U.S. There are no guarantees your request will be granted, but it’s definitely a good opportunity to potentially avoid future tariffs.
We estimate the deadline will be pushed back 30–60 days, due to the shutdown, but once determined, the USITC will send out a notice with the new deadline.
You can find a current draft of the questionnaire and additional information here: https://www.usitc.gov/mtbeffects.