Recent Developments at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Join us on December 10th at 2:00 PM (EST) for a webinar addressing the latest developments at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Keeping up with CPSC changes is difficult, so we have scheduled this webinar to present the latest news about CPSC activities. We will provide an update on the status of the commissioners and other key CPSC staff including, most importantly, the likely impact of acting chairwoman Ann Marie Buerkle’s (Republican appointee) decision to step down from the Commission, and the election of commissioner Robert Adler (Democratic appointee) as the new acting chairman of the (currently four member) Commission. One area where this impact might be felt most profoundly is in the CPSC’s civil penalty and enforcement policies. During commissioner Buerkle’s tenure, there was a noticeable decline in both the number and dollar amount of civil penalties issued by the Commission. This was a big change from the previous administration, under which we had seen a steady increase in civil penalty amounts. A switch back to a more aggressive enforcement and civil penalty policy would have a big impact on consumer product manufacturers.
We will also be discussing the results of the investigation into the CPSC’s unauthorized release of confidential manufacturer information that had not gone through the procedures of Section 6(b) of the Consumer Product Safety Act. Finally, in light of recent criticisms directed at Section 6(b), we thought it would be helpful to clarify what Section 6(b) actually does (and does not do), and how it can best be used by manufacturers to protect their interests.
Key Points:
• The status of the Commissioners and other key CPSC Staff
• CPSC Civil Penalties and Enforcement Policies
• The CPSC Data Breach/Senate Commerce Committee Investigation Results
• CPSA Section 6(b); What it Does and Does Not Do
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
2:00 PM (EST)
30 mins + Live Q&A